I started this blog for all of you that are praying for Larissa as she goes through this trial with her poor health.--Ruth

We are calling this blog Toad's trials because "Toad" is Barry's pet name for Larissa.

Friday, February 3, 2012


Dear friends and family,

            I want to thank you for all your prayers and support you have given me. It has been such a long road. So far I have seen 28 doctors and not had many answers. Recently I have been going to a NIS practitioner who has scribed some natural medicine. The medicine is for raising your ATP (energy) he also gave me medication to kill parasites. I had started to feel a little better but just slightly. I have been going to a college 20s group at Westgate Chapel on Thursdays. Like all of you they have been praying for me. I'm not sure if many of you know this but as so many people were praying for my healing and I wasn’t getting healed I decided to ask God about it. I have seen healings before and I wondered why I was not healed yet. God answered with “it’s not time yet”. Well this was about 6 months to a year ago. A couple people confirmed it. A couple weeks ago I started to feel my time of sickness was coming to an end and my dad confirmed that. One of my friends from college 20s really felt she should pray for me and for my healing. So she asked God what to do and God told her to fast. I met with her on Wednesday, we went out to coffee and she prayed over me and then asked if I felt anything. I said no but I heard God say the retreat was important. We were going on a retreat that weekend. So on that retreat they prayed for me and two other people and we all got healed. You should have seen that girl before me she was jumping and laughing and crying. When I got prayed for I wasn’t sure if I was healed but my friend Amanda started praying and proclaiming that I was healed. I wanted to feel something physical so I’d know for sure I was healed but what I did feel was God’s spirit telling me I was healed. After I got healed they played swing dancing music and I danced the night away. One of the things the speaker said to me I really wanted to tell you all. Every prayer counts, God hears every one and they all add up like a big mound. So every prayer that was prayed for me and for my healing counted on that day when I got healed. I owe it all to God really but also to all of you for crying out for me. I still have a lot of work to do. Being pretty much bed ridden for 2 and a half years and not eating well takes so much out of your body. More that I could have ever thought. I am working on building myself back up. But I will be out there on the mission field soon enough.


                                                                             Larissa Stainer       

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Interesting exam

Larissa had an appointment yesterday. The appointment was not with a Dr. but with a guy that started doing a thing called Neurolink after he came home from the mission field sick and went the round of Doc, MRI's etc. just like Larissa has. He thinks she has parasites and some mercury poison. His exam was weird but interesting in that he found problems in all the areas we know there are lesions etc. (pods of brain and liver) He talked about how the body goes into a cycle where it can’t produce energy. His description of this cycle is exactly what Larissa is going through. Please pray that this is not just another dead end. Larissa is trying to not hope because there’s been too many let downs in the past. He thinks he can have her functional again in 3 to 4 months. Once her system starts working again she won’t need any special medications, which would be wonderful since she wants to head back to the mission field. He calling what’s happening Mitochondrial dysfunction, but unlike mitochondrial disease he says it can be cured. (Mitochondrial disease is what Pam Sligh’s doctor specializes in and is Larissa’s next appointment)---Ruth

Thursday, October 20, 2011

The birthday wish (Oct. 7th)

(it's been a while...sorry) The week before Larissa's birthday I started praying that she would have that one day free from headaches. Every day Larissa is in pain, I thought it would be a nice birthday gift for her to have a day off. Unfortunately it didn't happen. By the time her birthday came she had been without sleep for 36 hours, she goes through these periods of time when she just can't sleep, they always make her much sicker. The day before her birthday she had a melt down. She tried to go to the college 20's group but ended up crying in the bathroom and so Cari (who has been an incredible sister) took her to a movie to cheer her up. We went to Melting pot for the birthday dinner and Larissa leaned on me and moaned, her headache was so bad and then she apologized for her break down the day before. Bless her heart, I know I'd be melting down a lot more if I was sick for as long as she has been. This whole thing was really hard on me. I don't understand why we are going through all this. I don't understand why we can't have some relief. God has to be doing something good, it's just really hard to see right now.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Glorious day?

One thing I have wondered about is we sing “one day he is coming, oh glorious day” isn’t that kind of selfish? We walk around seeing people walking down the street next to us; we have neighbors that don’t know Christ, it isn’t going to be a glorious day for them. For us, yes, what an amazing, wonderful day to finally see God’s face, to be in his presence and to kneel before him. But for our neighbors or coworkers what a horrible dreaded day that will be and shouldn’t we take some responsibility for that? When we sing songs about that glorious day do we even think about what it will be like for the non-believers?---Larissa

Friday, September 9, 2011


Today I went to church and yet again I cried. I used to be the type of person that never really cried. Well that’s not really true I am as tough as nails when it comes to pain. No one really knows how much pain I’m really in or how sick I actually am, but when it came to others suffering I cry or even for just a good sappy movie. I also always skip the anger stage and go right to crying. But going through years of sickness, not knowing if you are going to get better and longing for the amazing life you had is hard. Well in church today first of all I was having a bad sick day but I went anyways. At church 3 things were just casually brought up and that’s all it took and I started to tear up. The first was during worship. It was a song about the joy in going to heaven. For someone like me that brings up weird emotions: joy and fear. The second was missions I miss it with all my heart. The third was children. I have this fear that I’m going to be sick for the rest of my life and I won’t have the strength to have kids. But even with all the fears God is there and his plan is what is best. God gives me his peace when I really need it. A couple days later he gave me a song, “Praise you in this storm” by Casting Crowns. It talks about God holding my tears and a lot of other things that really helped.---Larissa 

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Larissa's thoughts

First of all I would like to thank everyone who is praying for me. You have no idea how much it means to me, the amount of support I have from everyone. I wanted to tell how this sickness has affected me. One of the hardest things for me is that the sickest takes away my personality. I can’t be me. I don’t have the energy to be the energetic active person that I am. Before I was the one planning get togethers and creative things to do. I would run around and talk to everyone. Now its like I’m a fly on the wall I have to hang on my little sister’s arm so I don’t fall over and even just talking to people takes so much energy that it seems like I have one fourth of my old personality. It’s hard not having people see the real you. But I think the number one thing that is the hardest with the sickness is feeling like you’re not an effective servant. I went from being a missionary leading a school with around 500 students to pretty much laying in my bed all day. I got the privilege of witnessing to those students every day, it was amazing. I know I’m sick for a reason and God can use it. It’s just hard I want to go out and witness to people but I don’t have the strength. During worship time at church a lot of times I don’t even have the strength to raise my hands to praise him the way he deserves to be worshiped. I know God has a plan and that is the only thing that gets me through. I just want to be used.   ---Larissa    

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Larissa goes to school

Larissa met me at the bottom of the stairs on Tuesday. She's having another bout of not being able to sleep at night and since she couldn't sleep she wanted to go to school with me. She did really well although the walk between my two classrooms was really hard for her. Last year she was able to walk that distance fine but now I have to support her and she was shaking when she gets there. It's always a blessing to have her share with my students about Cambodia. Most of my classes were finished up a "getting to know you" exercise but my 7th period class was done so they asked Larissa a bunch of questions about Cambodia. I think it's so healthy for them to realize that so much of the world has so little. Larissa also wrote "rain" in Khmei on my whiteboard and told all the classes about her special "God" times worshipping in the rain.
 Larissa is having a hard time right now, feeling the weigh of passing time and having nothing to do but stay at home. She will be sick for days in payment for going to school with me but there are times she just has to, for her emotion/mental health, get out. I was so grateful to have her with me.